Sean Boots

Technology, public services, and people. But mostly people.

Published in Canadian Public Administration: “Breaking All the Rules: Information Technology Procurement in the Government of Canada”

I’m really thrilled that our research article on government IT procurement was recently published in Canadian Public Administration. It’s a bit over two years since Prof. Amanda Clarke and I began this research project, and this article being published is in some ways the final milestone of that work. The article is open access, and you can read it online. Read more →

Speaking at the Government Operations committee this Wednesday

On Wednesday, July 24, Prof. Amanda Clarke and I will be appearing at the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) to discuss the research paper that we recently shared as a preprint. If you’d like to tune in you can watch via the ParlVU livestream starting at 11am Eastern Time (8am Yukon time). Read more →

Why we became public servants

A big highlight of FWD50 this past year was being able to work with Brian Whittaker on a panel celebrating outstanding public servants. We wanted to highlight that amazing and inspiring public servants are everywhere – working to change things often against the odds. These two videos are a small celebration of why people choose public service careers. Read more →

Speaking at Civic Tech Toronto

Back in March I gave a presentation at one of Civic Tech Toronto’s weekly hacknights. It was really nice to be able to tune in from Whitehorse and talk about some of my past civic tech projects. Read more →

To the Clerk, and friends

Below are a set of radical (but implementable) ideas that would make the public service better equipped to handle the challenges of today and tomorrow. We need to invest in state capacity in Canada, and that starts with changing our public service structures, processes, and organizational culture for the better. Read more →

Revolution, not evolution, for federal public service delivery

This morning I gave a keynote presentation at FWD50, Canada’s leading digital government conference. My talk was titled “Revolution, not evolution, for federal public service delivery”. In the presentation I talked about how Canada needs a revolution in how we operate as a public service – not just when it comes to technology work in government, but there in particular, too. Read more →

Twitter is dead. Let’s start live-tweeting conferences on Mastodon instead.

It’s been almost a year since I stopped using Twitter on a regular basis. It was a big change given how large a role Twitter played in my professional life – connecting with public servants across Canada and around the world and learning from their experiences. Now that it’s 2023 and Twitter is both crumbling apart and morally suspect, I think we should make Mastodon our new community. If you’re at FWD50 this year either in person or virtually, I’d love to see you on Mastodon! Read more →

Coasian hecks, or, when the people in charge can’t change things either

It’s hard not to feel pessimistic about the public service’s ability to respond to future social issues – social instability, environmental collapse, geopolitical events, at-scale disinformation campaigns, future pandemics – without substantially changing how we work. Why is that such a challenge in public service organizations, even for people at the very top of the hierarchy? Read more →

Thinking of NWT and BC wildfire evacuees

This past week wildfires forced the evacuation of Yellowknife, the capital of the Northwest Territories, as well as many other communities both nearby and across the territory. Meanwhile, late yesterday Kelowna, BC residents were suddenly ordered to evacuate when a major wildfire crossed Lake Okanagan. Close friends of ours there evacuated late last night on minutes’ notice. It’s an unprecedented summer of wildfires across the country, and as people wonder what will happen to their homes and communities (or how to rebuild them) it’s hard not to wonder what the future looks like. Read more →

Hellos and goodbyes

This past week I started work with the Government of Yukon, wrapping up almost seven years since rejoining the federal government and the team that became the Canadian Digital Service. In my new role, I’m the open government program manager within the eServices for Citizens branch. Open government and open data work is a topic very near and dear to my heart, and I’m thrilled to be able to work on it here in the territory. Read more →

Public service tech tip: Get yourself some good audio gear

Hybrid work is here to stay, which – for all of us as public servants – means a lot of hours in Teams or Zoom meetings. If you’ve ever had someone say “can you repeat that?” on a video call, this post is for you. Even if you can already hear your colleagues well, just using your computer’s normal microphone and speakers, that doesn’t mean that they can hear you. Here are some fairly cheap options that can make a big difference, when it comes to making it possible for other people to hear you better. Read more →

Public service heroes: Deepika Grover

Deepika Grover is a strategist at Finance Canada, a member of the Free Agents program, and a long-time practitioner and advocate for equity, inclusion and anti-racism work in the federal public service. Deepika has played a role in many of the public service’s innovation programs over the years. We’ve been friends on social media for many years and I’m always grateful for her thoughtful and candid insights on how to make the public service better. We chatted by email in February, followed up by virtual convos in April and May. Read more →

Solidarity with PSAC workers

Today the Public Service Alliance of Canada began strike activities. With more than 155,000 participating PSAC members, it’s one of the largest strikes in Canadian history. Read more →

Public service heroes: Nick Wise

Nick Wise is a long-time technology leader in the Canadian public service, most recently serving as the Chief Information Officer of Public Safety Canada. Previously as an executive director in the Office of the CIO, he was responsible for the GCtools team and for the small team that became the Canadian Digital Service. I’ll always be grateful for Nick’s insightful and humble style of leadership, and for his thoughtful stewardship of the teams he led. We chatted by email in October. Read more →

Public service heroes: Shannah Segal & Sheena Samuel

Shannah Segal and Sheena Samuel lead the experience design and technology chapters, respectively, at the Ontario Digital Service. They’re brilliant and thoughtful leaders, and have brought experience from their careers in the private tech sector into government. Friends all across ODS speak very highly of working with them, and it was a real honour to hear about their experiences over the past nearly five years working in government. We chatted in late October. Read more →

Saying goodbye to Twitter

Over the past few weeks I’ve gradually been migrating from Twitter to Mastodon, an open-source, federated social network. Twitter has been a pretty big part of my professional life for more than a decade; it’s strange and sad for that to come to an end so abruptly. For now, at least, I’ll keep on posting new blog posts there, but I won’t be actively checking in on what has, for years, been the website I visit the most and a community that I’ve really treasured. Read more →

Public service heroes: Sameer Vasta

Sameer Vasta is a founding member of the Ontario Digital Service and one of the kindest human beings I know. He currently works on the Talent team at the Ontario Digital Service and until recently taught the “Government in a Digital Era” course at the University of Waterloo’s Masters of Public Service program. Sameer is on the board of several community organizations, an advisor to a number of small non-profits, and a mentor to early-career public servants. We chatted by email in June. Read more →

An update

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to present in-person at FWD50 next week. Prof. Amanda Clarke will cover the AMA on government-vendor relations in my absence – I hope you can all tune in for it (either virtually or in-person!). Read more →

Public service heroes: Ryan Hum

Ryan Hum is the Chief Information Officer and VP of Data at the Canada Energy Regulator (CER), a federal agency based in Calgary, Alberta. He’s an inspiration to so many of the best designers and design researchers I know in government, and he’s championed user research work at PCO, at IRCC, and in projects with a wide range of departments. At the CER, his team has done above-and-beyond work in data visualization, mapping, open data, and technology transformation. We spoke on July 7. Read more →

“Charbonneau Loops” and government IT contracting

Dan Hon’s newsletter had a great anecdote last week about the NYC Sanitation Department hiring McKinsey to study and design a procurement for trash containerization. It reminded me of a pattern that I’ve been meaning to write about for a while: “Charbonneau Loops” where the same companies are sometimes overseeing, and sometimes overseen, by their peers in the same industry. This happens when public sector organizations don’t have enough internal capacity to provide oversight directly, and they’re a recipe for problematic public sector outcomes. Read more →